Impactful Volunteer Opportunities
Virtual Connectors
Virtual Connectors reduce social isolation and alleviate loneliness among older adults living in the community. Volunteers are matched with several older adults and connect with them remotely on a regular basis. In addition to providing social interaction, volunteers also provide periodic monitoring of the individual’s well-being by asking essential questions related to the client’s well-being and basic needs.
Mentor First Generation College Students
Mentors provide support, share their professional experience and expertise, and provide general encouragement to students. They also provide feedback and guidance to students working on individual final projects and may also conduct informational interviews with individual students.
Children’s Clothing Closet
Launched in 2016, the JFS Children’s Clothing Closet provides a seasonal response to the clothing needs of the elementary school-aged children in the Metrowest community, specifically focusing on the most economically challenged schools in Framingham. Volunteers sort and organize donated new and gently used clothing to help JFS keep track of inventory and help prepare clothing packages to distribute to families. Soon, we will also be having pop-up events, where we will bring racks of clothes from the Children’s Clothing Closet to locations in the community. Families can “shop” for the clothing they need. Volunteers will help set up racks of clothing and assist families while they select clothing.
FPS Resource Room
The Framingham Public Schools Resource Room provides clothing, school supplies, personal care items, and other needed items to any child in need in the Framingham Public Schools. Volunteers organize the items and help prepare packages for families.
Community Drives
Connect with your families, neighbors, or colleagues and organize a clothing, personal care items, or book drive. The items you collect will be distributed to families in need in our community.
Help Immigrants on their Path to Citizenship
Help individuals prepare for their citizenship exam. Volunteers work one-on-one with individuals using resources provided by JFS and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website. They also provide opportunities for the individuals to practice their conversational English skills. Some volunteers provide more extensive English language support and some volunteers are also trained to help individuals prepare their N-400 citizenship application.
Improve the Health and Wellbeing of Older Adults
Volunteer with our Healthy Aging team to improve the lives of older adults in our community. Opportunities include one-on-one technology tutoring. This individualized approach provides the elder with a comfortable setting to learn skills that they can use to connect with family, order groceries or medications, and feel more independent. Other opportunities include helping out at outdoor social events.
Farm to Pantry
Farm to Pantry volunteers reduce food insecurity in our community by connecting extra produce from farms with food pantries. Volunteers pick up food from local farms and transport it to food pantries for distribution to individuals and families in need.
Learn More about Volunteering with JFS
Do you have questions about volunteering with JFS? Not quite sure which programs are the best fit? Are you interested in interning at JFS?
Program Videos
Through the Power of Volunteerism, JFS is Changing the Lives of Refugees Seeking Safety in Our Community
Click to learn how you can get involved.
Through the Power of Collaborative Partnerships JFS Changes the Lives of Immigrants in Our Community
Click to learn how you can get involved.
Looking for a Hands-On Volunteering Opportunity that Makes a Difference? Learn about JFS!
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Program News
The Yale Appliance Foundation Donates Boots to the Children of Metrowest
Last week, with the generous financial assistance and volunteer effort of the Yale Appliance Foundation, JFS distributed 300 winter boots to children in our community. The Yale Appliance Foundation was established to help veterans, the elderly, minors, and...
JFSMW Job Opening: Senior Level Social Worker / Case Manager
Job Opening: Social Worker / Case Manager (Senior Level, Framingham, MA) – JFS seeks a senior level social worker / case manager to help advance JFS’ commitment to accelerate social, health and academic equity for low income, often disenfranchised populations. Full time position with benefits. Click to learn how to apply.
JFS Partners with Blue Cross Blue Shield MA to distribute over 2,000 items to families in need!
On September 29, 2022 as part of the Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) of Massachusetts 12th Annual Service Day #ServiceDay2022 20 BCBS employees - led by Blue Cross site coordinator and JFS Board Member Elana Margolis - lent a hand to support Framingham's immigrant...