Apr 16, 2020 | Business, JFS of Metrowest, We are JFS!
This past weekend, Jordan Rich of WBZ News Radio, host of New England Weekend, highlighted the crucial work that is being done by local organizations in the Metrowest. JFS of Metrowest was among those recognized! JFS CEO Lino Covarrubias was invited onto the show to...
Apr 8, 2020 | Business, Jewish Community, JFS of Metrowest, We are JFS!
April 8, 2020 JFS News – Caring for Our Community during the Coronavirus Health Crisis ______________ From Lino Covarrubias, CEO Dear Friends, I hope this message finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. The last four weeks have brought unprecedented...
Apr 8, 2020 | Anti-Hate, Equity and Inclusion, Jewish Community, JFS of Metrowest, LGBTQ+, We are JFS!
Here we are, in age of uncertainty and doubt when our need to know what’s happening and the ability to communicate what’s happening get all jumbled up, leaving room for fear and frustration to fill the spaces in between. Yet, spring has begun to creep into the trees;...
Apr 3, 2020 | Community Programs, Education Equity Initiative, JFS of Metrowest, New American Services, We are JFS!
As unemployment increases due to the COVID-19 crisis, many families in Framingham are struggling to afford basic needs such as food and personal care items. To respond, JFS of Metrowest, in collaboration with community partners, has started a series of distribution...
Apr 1, 2020 | Community Programs, Immigrant and Resettlement, JFS of Metrowest, We are JFS!
In response to the shortage of protective masks needed for JFS’s ongoing community programming, JFS is relying on our friendships in our community to fill the gaps! One of our Syrian refugee clients, Abdulkader is using his tailoring expertise to make 60 surgical...