Mar 27, 2019 | Community Programs, Healthy Aging, Jewish Community, Older Adults, Upcoming Events, Volunteer Opportunities, We are JFS!
Sunday, April 7 2019, 1:30pm JFS of Metrowest 475 Franklin Street, Suite 101, Framingham, MA 01702 SPACE IS LIMITED – REGISTER TODAY! JFS of Metrowest invites you and your family to visit an isolated elder this Passover and share the joy of the holiday through the...
Mar 25, 2019 | Elder Care Management, Healthy Aging, Lunch & Learn, Older Adults, Upcoming Events, Volunteer Opportunities, We are JFS!
Join Michael Schaus and Elizabeth Mattei, both Directors with Senior Living Residents and Certified Dementia Practitioners as they present on “Seniors Bullying Seniors”. The objectives for the program are to: Recognize and explain what behaviors are considered...
Mar 25, 2019 | Elder Care Management, Healthy Aging, Jewish Community, Older Adults, Upcoming Events, Volunteer Opportunities, We are JFS!
April 10th, Natick Posted on March 25, 2019 Join Michael Schaus and Elizabeth Mattei, both Directors with Senior Living Residents and Certified Dementia Practitioners as they present on “Seniors Bullying Seniors”. The objectives for the program are to: 1. Recognize...
Mar 14, 2019 | Healthy Aging, Older Adults, Upcoming Events, Volunteer Opportunities, We are JFS!
NEXT TRAINING: Tuesday April 9, 2019 9:00am-3:00pm Lunch and materials provided Volunteer in your free time and help frail elders get the medical care and information they need to manage their heath, improve their quality of life and live independently in the...
Mar 4, 2019 | Community Programs, Healthy Aging, Jewish Community, Older Adults, Upcoming Events, Volunteer Opportunities
Sunday, April 7 2019, 1:30pm JFS of Metrowest 475 Franklin Street, Suite 101, Framingham, MA 01702 SPACE IS LIMITED – REGISTER TODAY! JFS of Metrowest invites you and your family to visit an isolated elder this Passover and share the joy of the holiday through the...
Mar 1, 2019 | Anti-Hate, Equity and Inclusion, Jewish Community, LGBTQ+, Upcoming Events, We are JFS!
I have been thinking recently about the rainbow banners adorning many synagogues, churches, and other places of worship. Many display a variety of hospitable phrases: “All Are Welcome Here” or “LGTBQ* Folks Welcomed and Accepted.” In many ways, I am delighted to see...