You and your family will brighten the life of an older adult by purchasing one or more of the following items.
Items Needed:
- Hat/ Glove and Scarf Set
- A Comfy Throw Blanket
You can either use this Amazon Store Front link or purchase items at stores where you shop.
Please use the Amazon link above and ship the items directly to your own address if you are planning to attend the wrapping event on December 14th, otherwise the items can be shipped directly to JFS and we will gladly wrap them for you.
Attend Wrapping and Card Decorating Drop- In Event:
Wednesday, December 14th
2:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Temple Shir Tikva – 141 Boston Post Road, Wayland
Bring your children after school to wrap and create cards for older adults.
JFS will supply the wrapping and cards to decorate.
Join JFS in sending some warmth and love to our older adults!