As a part of CJP’s Holiday in a Box Initiative, JFS delivered approximately 2000 Rosh Hashanah meals to individuals and families throughout the North and South Shores, Metrowest, and Greater Boston areas. In total, over 800 families received meals, which were delivered across 40 different routes covering 1,600 square miles!
A special thanks to all those who helped to make this effort possible — including JFS staff, volunteers, and board members, as well as Daniel’s Table, Temple Beth Elohim (TBE), Congregation Kehillath Israel (KI), Israel Airlines (El Al), Jewish Big Brother Big Sister (JBBS), and JFCS’s Manager of Volunteer Services. We are so proud to be part of this great community!
All photos courtesy of Sheldon Golder.

Mahmoud (left) and Ahmad (right), two Syrian dads whose families were resettled by JFS in 2017, giving back to their community.
To illustrate the impact, we’d like to share some quotes with you from both volunteers and recipients:
“ I was in the hospital for 2 months with Covid. I do not know how I survived. Especially this year I’m thankful for life and the New Year. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this meal.”
“I lost all my family in the Holocaust. The Jewish Holidays are especially important to me because my parents told me before we were separated to never forget what I had seen, tell people about it, and always celebrate our precious religion. Thank you for delivering a meal that will help me celebrate Rosh Hashanah. Shana Tova.”
“Did receive [the meal]…It was delicious. Thank you so much. After all the misery in the world, it is so comforting to know that such kindness exists…”
“I was teary wishing the recipient a happy new year as he was so grateful and moved by the gift. I am so grateful to JFS for being such a resource of services, strength, and hope to our greater community. With wishes for health, joy and wholeness this new year” — JFS Board Member